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March 2023 From The President

Spring is here! And with it our monthly newsletter.  We are excited to announce the return of our newsletter.   You may have noticed that we have been sending events out to you all and  we will also be sending our newsletter the last day of each month,  so keep a look out.  We have also spent a good deal of time revamping our website and database and I would like to thank some people that have worked on that. 

First, Jack McArdle for creating and managing our last website and database for many years.  Jack is a past President and put a lot of work into creating our online presence.   Next Toby Lindberg of Lindy Technology.   Toby has put a tremendous amount of work into creating a great-looking new website for us and transitioning our old database.  Albert Lesakowski, our membership chair, for learning our new database and making sure we get renewals out to our members.  Finally,  you our members, for your patience during this transition.  Please check out our website if you have not done so already.  We are adding Blues shows to our calendar all the time.

With the return of our newsletter, we will be featuring updates to your Blues Society,  news, events, and articles about local artists.  I’m also pleased to announce that Ida Goeckel will be providing artist interviews and event reviews.  Check out Ida’s interview with Willie Hayes and our Blue Thursday below.   If you, our members, have anything you would like to see in our newsletter please email us at [email protected].

Thank you!

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