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From The President

2024 Board of Directors Election Update

Dear Members: The Board of Directors of the Blues Society of Western New York makes the following announcement from our election results for the Board of Directors and officers: Newly elected to the Board of Directors: Patty Flaherty  2024 officers: Jeff Stromberg, President (5th term) Albert Lesakowski, Vice president (2nd term)  Timm Goodrich, Treasurer (2nd term) Your Blues Society 2024 Board of Directors: Jeff Stromberg  Albert Lesakowski  Timm Goodrich  Tim McNamara  James Shelly Patty Flaherty Scott Russell 

March 2023 From The President

Spring is here! And with it our monthly newsletter.  We are excited to announce the return of our newsletter.   You may have noticed that we have been sending events out to you all and  we will also be sending our newsletter the last day of each month,  so keep a look out.  We have also spent a good deal of time revamping our website and database and I would like to thank some people that have worked on that.  First, Jack McArdle for creating and… Read More »March 2023 From The President

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