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2025 Board of Directors and Officers

Dear Blues Society Members:   I would like to announce our 2025 board of directors and officers: Jeff Stromberg. PRESIDENT. 6th and final term  Scott Russell: Vice President, 1st term  Timm Goodrich: Treasurer, 1st term (was appointed by the board in 2024 and elected 2025) Board of directors: Jeff Stromberg  Scott Russell  Timm Goodrich  Patty Flaherty You may notice that we have fewer Board members this year than in past years. The Board has voted to keep 4 directors for 2025 and utilize this year… Read More »2025 Board of Directors and Officers

Rinaldo Zinobile, long time member of the Blues Society of WNY

Rinaldo Zinobile, a long-time member of the Blues Society of WNY passed away in January 2022 in Florida. The Blues Society of WNY was a Beneficiary of his Estate and received $5,000.00. We recently received the check after the probate was settled. You would see Rinaldo at almost all the Blues events. Running around with that crazy hair (most of the time) with a camera around his neck and a harmonica in his pocket. He was quite the guy, always with a story or an… Read More »Rinaldo Zinobile, long time member of the Blues Society of WNY

2024 Board of Directors Election Update

Dear Members: The Board of Directors of the Blues Society of Western New York makes the following announcement from our election results for the Board of Directors and officers: Newly elected to the Board of Directors: Patty Flaherty  2024 officers: Jeff Stromberg, President (5th term) Albert Lesakowski, Vice president (2nd term)  Timm Goodrich, Treasurer (2nd term) Your Blues Society 2024 Board of Directors: Jeff Stromberg  Albert Lesakowski  Timm Goodrich  Tim McNamara  James Shelly Patty Flaherty Scott Russell 

The 2023 WNY Blues Society Festival

By Ida Goeckel Although Saturday, September 9th, 2023 was a soggy one, it surely did not dampen the blues enthusiasm of those who braved the weather conditions to attend this year’s Western New York Blues Society Festival at the Hemlock Fairgrounds in Hemlock, N.Y. The covered Festival Pavilion provided adequate shelter and space for the enjoyable day-long event. This event benefits the WNY Blues Society which supports projects like Blues in the School, The Memphis Bound Competition, and Nurs ‘n Blues. The first band to… Read More »The 2023 WNY Blues Society Festival

The 2ND Annual Buffalo Blues & Roots Festival

By Ida Goeckel On April 22nd, 2023, Barry Entertainment, sponsored by Three Chord Bourbon, organized and successfully implemented the 2nd Annual Buffalo Blues & Roots Festival at Buffalo RiverWorks. Spanning the entire afternoon into the evening from 1:00-11:00 p.m., the festival featured ten musical acts, highlighting both local and national artists. The lineup from the WNY-based contingent included Henry’s Summer Kitchen, The Growlers, The X-Statix featuring Sharon Bailey, The Patti Parks Band, Ray Barry and Friends (a tribute to The Band), Tommy Z., and Miller & the… Read More »The 2ND Annual Buffalo Blues & Roots Festival

Stratcat Willie & the Strays

Stratcat Willie & the Strays at Blue Thursday Presented by the WNY Blues Society, sponsored by Three Chord Bourbon, March 9, 2023 at the Sportsmen’s Tavern By Ida Goeckel I wasn’t going out that Thursday. Typically, it was my band’s rehearsal night, but we were off that day. I noticed I had a voicemail from a friend, who had plans to go to the Thursday Night Blues series at the Sportsmen’s Tavern, sponsored by the WNY Blues Society, and wanted to know if I was interested… Read More »Stratcat Willie & the Strays

March 2023 From The President

Spring is here! And with it our monthly newsletter.  We are excited to announce the return of our newsletter.   You may have noticed that we have been sending events out to you all and  we will also be sending our newsletter the last day of each month,  so keep a look out.  We have also spent a good deal of time revamping our website and database and I would like to thank some people that have worked on that.  First, Jack McArdle for creating and… Read More »March 2023 From The President

2023 Board Of Directors Update

The Blues Society of Western New York would like to announce our new Board members elected during our December meeting and our officers elected during our January board of directors meeting: Elected as Trustees to the Board of Directors: Ryan Heckman  Tim McNamara  Scott Russell  Jim Shelly (re-elected) Our 2023 officers elected at our January meeting: Jeff Stromberg, President  Albert Lesakowski, Vice President  Timm Goodrich,  Treasurer 

2023 Board of Directors Elections

November 10, 2022 To: Blues Society of Western New York Members RE: 2023 Board of Directors Elections Dear Blues Society of Western New York Members: Each year the Blues Society of Western New York (BSWNY) conducts elections for available seats on the Board of Directors.  This notice is to inform all active members of the upcoming elections.  This year we have one (1) open Board of Directors Trustee seats and two (2) seats up for election.  The BSWNY is a working Board and the Trustees… Read More »2023 Board of Directors Elections

Buffalo Strong

(Reposted from Front Page) The Western New York Blues Society Board of Directors joins with others throughout the Blues industry in offering prayers for the support and healing of the families, friends, and communities of those impacted by Saturday’s senseless racist-driven shootings at Tops in Buffalo, NY by a white supremacist.  We pray for those who were injured and particularly for those who lost their lives.  A huge support for those on the front lines who risked their lives in responding to the calls for… Read More »Buffalo Strong

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